Last Day HSI Overview

So, today is the last day, which we keep reminding eachother even though none of us really want to think about it. These last three weeks have been some of the greatest in my life. Here’s a breif overview:

Classes: My classes have been… interesting. I will admit that at first I didn’t like either of them, but in the end, they both grew on me. I don’t want to leave now. I don’t plan on studying in either of my class areas in the future, but I did learn really valuable skills. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge.

Adults: The adults in this program are great. Sure, the P.C.’s strictness with the rules might cause some of us to role our eyes, but it’s all out of love. We know that they have our best interests in mind, and they are all wonderful. I couldn’t have asked for better people to guide us through this program. They made the whole experience welcoming and fun.

College: Ever since I was little, it was a sure thing that I would be going to college, and I also thought it was a sure thing that I would NOT under any cercumstances be going to a college in Wyoming. However, after living at UW for three weeks with some of the coolest people in the state, I have changed my mind. The University of Wyoming went from not even being on my college list to being possibly my top choice. I love this campus. I feel so at home here, like it’s where I belong. It’s the perfect mix of not too big and not too small, not to far from home and not too close…it’s like Baby Bear in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Anyways, my experience on campus was awesome, to say the least (except maybe the six flights of stairs).

Back Home: Naturally, I am going to suggest HSI to everyone back home. This was such a wonderful program. I learned so much, not only school things but other things as well. HSI helped my strengthen my confidence and ability to reach out to other people and try new things, whether it be a new kind of chicken at Washakie or attempting to use computer technology to analyze landscapes. I hope to come back and be a PC when I get older so I can help make other people’s HSI experience as good as mine was!

Last, But Not Least…The People: Hands down, the greatest part of HSI was the people. From PC’s to seminar leaders to teachers to other campers, I loved every single person I met. Each person here is brilliant and unique. It was so amazing to be able to be a part of a such a wonderful group of people. At this camp, I have made some amazing friendships as well as breifly met some people I might meet again later in life. I have a feeling many of us will see eachother over the years, and I think it is so cool that we will always have the companionship that comes along with being in this program together. I know this camp was supposed to be centered on classes, but really? Who are we kidding? The best and most important part was the friendships we made and the way we were able to further define who we each are. These three weeks have been very special to me, and I want to thank all of the people who were a part of them. RockiesGame AbeAbe AccordianGuy AlexJames AndyLandscape AspenTree AustinCodyLeviService AustinHunterBowling AustinMarissa AustinSlow BeckaWindow BunnyShadows ChrisDoor ChrisDoorLaugh ChrisDoorSmile ChrisTable CodyLeviService CodyStop CourtneyBrick CubeSolve DancePhotoBomb EmilyMarieCourtneyBricks IsaiahAlley IsaiahAlley2 IsaiahAlley3 ItalianDinner KamilleWeed KamilleWeed2 KillerSquirrel KiteFlying LeviKite MikeService NicoleService ParkerAustinLeviCodyHunterSwag PhotoClassShadow QuintonCave QuintonCaveBlackWhite QuintonLionKing QuintonPlayground QuintonTrain ReoFlag ReoQuintonPoleDance RockiesGame SteffanyWeeds TalynWheelchair TrainBench UWBuilding WindowWashers



Media Stereotypes

It kind of bothers me that there are so many stereotypes in the media. What really bugs me, though, is that as a child I didn’t even question what I was viewing on telelvision and simply accepted all of the stereotypes. I don’t really think that kids should be taught that groups of people are different from them. Instead, it should be accepted that every individual has unique qualities.

Web Heads: The Age of “Multitasking”

At HSI, I see a lot of kids online all of the time, “multitasking” with their media. This is easier to do here because the college doesn’t have as many rules that regulate what students are doing. In school, I always try to be completely involved in the lecture so that I can learn the topic, do my homework, and ace the test. However, I will admit that I pay slightly less attention if it is not for a grade or if I think I already know what a teacher is teaching. This is a mistake, though.
When people “multitask,” they aren’t really multitasking. Their brain is just rapidly switching from one task to the next, and this rapid change of focus can cause people to make silly mistakes. I usually try to remind myself to do “one thing at a time” because I know that I can only do my best if I am focused. But I do have problems with it. I like to listen to music, doodle, check facebook, get a snack, text people…etc. When I really need to do something, like study for a test, I turn off all of my electronics and focus on what I am doing. But, yes, I get distracted very easily, and I’ve realized that I need to learn how to concentrate and discipline myself better so that I can continue to work efficiently.


So, the bowling alley that I am assuming we are going to tonight, Laramie Lanes, was founded in 1957 by Pete Burns. (Historical fact of the day.) According to their website, they just renevated the facility. They also have a bar there, but that does not pertain to us.
Anyways, tonight isn’t the night of “Rock, Glow, and Bowl,” which is basically a big bowling party… that’s tomorrow night, but I still think we’ll have a lot of fun.
Personally, I am a terrible bowling. I went bowling right before I came to HSI with some of my friends from Buffalo, and I got a 36. Whoot-whoot. Ha. I hope I’m not the only one who is going to want the gaurd rail things that block the gutters because I need those! Anyways, I am super excited! See you there!


I personally don’t watch TV. So, I really don’t care what MTV puts out there. I think the personalities of the Mook and the Midriff were interesting, though.
The Mook, a teenaged male who is portrayed as inappropriate and masculine, seems to be a class clown blown out of proportion. I think that there really are a lot of guys like that out there, and I think that many guys have an “inner Mook.” Ha. Anyways, this character is easy to be drawn to because he doesn’t take anything seriously and can be seen as original and adventurous, even though he really is neither.
On the other hand, the Midriff is a female girl who is overly sexualized. I think that this persona is also very common in today’s society. The age of Midriffs keeps getting lower and lower, and it’s sad to see a ten-year-old girl worried about how “hot” she looks. I don’t think that it is okay to neglect the fact that there is more to a girl (to anyone) than her body.
Anyways, although I don’t think the either the Mook or the Midriff are good characters to promote, I think that MTV has a right to produce what it wants and that it is up to the people to choose what they watch.

Reo Radford

Usually, when teenaged boys talk about the sports they play, they try to act all macho, but for Reo Radford, the best thing about playing soccer is having fun with his team and competing.

Reo, starting Junior Varsity defender, claims that his team “is honestly like family. They are just a bunch of guys that go out and have fun. Everybody knows everybody.”

Although Reo has personal goals like making the state team and lettering, he says, “I just want to do the best that I can to help the team forward.”

Reo started playing soccer when he was in first grade and played on the “Go Wyo” youth club team. He continued to play until fifth grade, but then he took a “four-year hiatus” because he didn’t have the time or motivation to play again.

Referring to middle school, Reo states, “I just had a lot more homework. I wasn’t used to it.”

After three years without soccer, during his freshman year in high school, Reo saw soccer listed on the school activities and decided to play to see how much he had retained throughout middle school. Also, Reo admits that a major factor in his choice to play again was that soccer was simply better than track.

This past spring, Reo was able to get some significant Varsity playing time and even started a varsity game against Newcastle.

“I was pretty pumped for that,” Reo recalled about his Varsity start.

Reo’s family doesn’t play soccer, but his parents and grandparents try to make it to as many games as possible.

Reo’s coach and teammates are also supportive.

During a game, Reo’s favorite advice from his Coach is “Kick the ball!”

Reo’s favorite teammate, Dustin, “knows a way to make everything fun.” Reo appreciates his team for being so encouraging.

Although Reo likes to have fun with his team, he says, “I go out there and try to make it as real as possible in pre-game warm-ups.”

Even with all of this preparation, it is understandable that Reo, as a sophomore, might get a little nervous before a big game.

He admitted that “if you’ve got a big senior running at you with a soccer ball, you’re first instinct is to curl up into a ball and let them hop over you,” but he believes that “if you just hold strong and don’t let them juke around you and make you look like an idiot out there on the field, then you can go and compete with anybody you want.”

Reo plans to continue playing soccer throughout high school, but then go to college “just to be a student, not an athlete.”

However, with his love for the sport, Reo plans to play intermural and club games.

To hear Reo’s story in his own words, click here.


So, we watched a video about advertising and product placement in the media today.
Apparently, some people don’t think that it is ethical to try to mix entertainment and advertising (like putting a brand name in a movie or television show.) Personally, I think that including real brands makes the media more realistic, and I also like the idea of having access to the same type of product as the people in the moveie.
However, if the advertising becomes more obvious, then it starts to get a little annoying. Actually, I am more likely to buy a product that was subtly introduced than one was the explicitly pointed out.
Also, this guy had the idea that most people don’t really know why they are buying something when they do…that they just have an internal drive to do so. I agree with him. So many people buy pointless stuff they definitely don’t need, but for some reason they are convinced that they DO need it. There was a part of the video that asked, “Does the smell of coffee remind you of your mother?” And that is a very relevant point. I don’t really like coffee at all. However, the smell of coffee does remind me of my mom, and it’s a pleasant memory, so it is actually possible I would buy coffee once I move out of the house just to have that familiar smell. The best kind of advertising uses unconcious drives like that.
Anyways, advertising doesn’t really bother me. In fact, I like to know what’s out there. I just don’t like it when people advertise in an obnoxiously obvious way.

Body Image in the Media

So, I wrote a research paper on this topic and then gave a speech in school, and I am definitely against the body “requirements” that people have. First of all, the “ideal” body weight, height, muscle composition…etc. are not even physically realistic for some people on a genetic basis, so many go to extremes to try to get the “perfect” look and just end up harming themselves.
I can’t remember the number, but a large percentage of models are below healthy weight for their stature. Yet, magazines, billboards, and television commercials portray them as happy, successful people. So, young adolescents (who are the most likely to be influenced by the media as they are rapidly changing and looking for some sort of role model) want to be just like the people in the media. This can cause various problems including eating disorders, low self-esteem, and stress. This problems can follow a young person throughout his or her life.
Furthermore, the “ideal” weight is harmful to the models. Since body ideals have changed in the last century, models are all but forced to “compete” to loose equal or more wieght than their fellow models. This is called the “domino” effect, as one model falls and starves herself and the others follow. Some may argue that the models’ appearance is purely for asthetic purposes. However, many businesses try to make people feel insecure in order to get people to believe they need their problems. Sure the models may be beautiful, but is making other people feel ugly a good thing? Of course not.
I also believe that media is just as harmful to males as it is to females. Although the stereotypical male “ideal” is more athletic than skinny, it’s still a problem. Guys shouldn’t feel embarassed about walking around in their swimming trunks just because their six pack is covered by a layer of “protection.” Muscles don’t have anything to do with personality.
I think that the most important part of a person’s appearance is a smile. Smiles show confidence and happiness, which I think are the best critera of good character out there. The only way for things to change and for body image to stop it’s downward spiral is for people to start accepting that we are all different and that we can only be the best possible version of OURSELVES, because there is no “mold” that we could all possibly fit into. Beauty on the outside is ambiguous, and beauty on the inside is more important.


So, on Friday we interviewed our partners so we could write a  story about them and create an audio thing. I guess interviewing was maybe supposed to feel different than normal talking, but it didn’t really. That is, except for the fact that we had to hold up a voice recorder and go to some excluded place in Prexy’s Pasture so that there wouldn’t be any extra noise on the recording. Anyways, it was somewhat fun. I know that a lot of us are writing sports reports, which is kind of hackneyed, but oh well.

I do think that the skills used in interviewing can help in the future because for job and college interviews it is important to know how to convey the right message in conversation. Knowing how to talk is good…